Editorial Team

Our Editorial team, which has worked in Yuvakatta News Media generally since its beginning, comprises architects, social activists, columnists, and researchers. Henceforth, we cover different news from Bollywood Gupshup, Entertainment News, Sports News, etc.

To contribute to Yuvakatta – Email: Yuvakatta2@gmail.com

kishan Kusale- Yuvakatta

Editorial Team:


CEO & Founder and Editor of Yuvakatta News Media

Contact- kkusale38@gmail.com


Mr. Krishna Chandra Garain



Mr. Krishna Chandra Garain

 Managing Editor of  Yuvakatta News Media

Contact- KrishnaChandraGarain@yuvakatta.in

Mukund Solanke 

Mr. Mukund Solanke 

Author, Writer & Researcher

Mr. Mukund Solanke is a writer at Yuvakatta News Media


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                                                    Võ Văn Tình

 Sr. Author & Researcher

Mr. Võ Văn Tình  is a writer at Yuvakatta News Media





          Kana Nath

Author, Writer & Researcher

                                KanaNath  is a writer of sports niche at Yuvakatta News Media.

                       Contact: KanaNath@yuvakatta.in


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Krishna Jethe

Author, Writer & Researcher

                                                             Krishna Jethe is a writer of sports niche at                                                                                                                                  Yuvakatta News Media.

                                                               Contact: Krishna Jethe@yuvakatta.in














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Mr.  Vivek Sharma

Author & Writer of Yuvakatta News Media

Contact: VivekSharma@yuvakatta.in