Our Editorial team, which has worked in Yuvakatta News Media generally since its beginning, comprises architects, social activists, columnists, and researchers. Henceforth, we cover different news from Bollywood Gupshup, Entertainment News, Sports News, etc.
To contribute to Yuvakatta – Email: Yuvakatta2@gmail.com
Editorial Team:
CEO & Founder and Editor of Yuvakatta News Media
Contact- kkusale38@gmail.com
Mr. Krishna Chandra Garain
Managing Editor of Yuvakatta News Media
Contact- KrishnaChandraGarain@yuvakatta.in
Mr. Mukund Solanke
Author, Writer & Researcher
Mr. Mukund Solanke is a writer at Yuvakatta News Media
Võ Văn Tình
Sr. Author & Researcher
Mr. Võ Văn Tình is a writer at Yuvakatta News Media
Kana Nath
Author, Writer & Researcher
KanaNath is a writer of sports niche at Yuvakatta News Media.
Contact: KanaNath@yuvakatta.in
Krishna Jethe
Author, Writer & Researcher
Krishna Jethe is a writer of sports niche at Yuvakatta News Media.
Contact: Krishna Jethe@yuvakatta.in
Mr. Vivek Sharma
Author & Writer of Yuvakatta News Media
Contact: VivekSharma@yuvakatta.in